January 17, 2007

IRS Launches On-Line Workshop for Exempt Organizations

The Internal Revenue Service has launched a new Web-based version of its popular Exempt Organizations Workshop covering tax compliance issues confronted by small and mid-sized tax exempt organizations.
The free online workshop – Stay Exempt – Tax Basics for 501(c)(3)s – consists of five interactive modules on tax compliance topics for exempt organizations:
* Tax-Exempt Status – How can you keep your 501(c)(3) exempt?
* Unrelated Business Income – Does your organization generate taxable income?
* Employment Issues – How should you treat your workers for tax purposes?
* Form 990 – Would you like to file an error-free return?
* Required Disclosures – To whom do you have to show your records?
Users can access this new training program at www.stayexempt.org. Users can complete the modules in any order and repeat them as many times as they like. The online training website does not require registration and its visitors will remain anonymous.

See also the one hour program by Amy Hereford that explores legal issues involved in establishing or reestablishing a nonprofit organization. The program goes beyond the IRS tax issues to examine the range of requirements for keeping your organization in good legal health. The program is recommended to entrepreneurs, boardmembers and directors of both new and established nonprofits. Click here.